
The National Park Service issues periodic updates to the National Register nomination process - including this new photo policy! When these updates are issued, our National Register Team ensures nominations conform to these revisions before they are submitted to the NPS.

Recent updates include: 
  • Updated Photograph Policy, Jan 2024
  • Best Practices Review on Preparing a Concise Statement of Significance, Sept 2023
  • Best Practices Review on Evaluating Garages and Outbuildings, Jan 2023
  • Best Practices Review on Evaluating Common Resources, July 2023

You can access these guidance documents any time on the National Park Service website,, to read about each of them in more depth. The Historic Preservation Division (HPD) National Register team also updates instructions in our Packets to reflect these changes.

A big change that we are particularly pleased to announce is the acceptance of National Register photos in JPEG format! Until earlier this year, the National Park Service required National Register photos be submitted in TIF format, which was often challenging for applicants to produce and resulted in incredibly large file sizes that were cumbersome to manage. The ability to submit photos in JPEG format should greatly simplify the photography portion of National Register nominations!

We consistently update the guidance in the Packets to provide our constituency with the most current information needed to process nominations as quickly as possible. The updated HPD Packets reflecting the most up to date National Park Service guidelines can be found on our website, Part 2: Formal Nomination | Georgia Department of Community Affairs (Gago)

Agenda for the November 3, 2023 National Register Review Board Meeting

The following properties were listed on the Georgia Register of Historic Places during the November 3, 2023 National Register Review Board Meeting.

Browns Mill Battlefield; Coweta County


Dooly County Campground; Vienna, Dooly County

Summary and Map


Fountain Hill; Conyers, Rockdale County


Lemon Street School; Marietta, Cobb County

Summary and Map


By Noah Bryant, Environmental Review Archaeologist, Historic Preservation Division


Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the materials that people left behind. The identification and analysis of this material hinges on the proper identification of archaeological sites. Understanding what makes a place an archaeological site is the foundation for archaeology as a discipline, as it establishes the framework for interpreting the materials left behind by people who previously lived on and used the land that we occupy today.

A general definition of an archaeological site is as follows:

a site formed from a concentration of cultural materials, typically referred to as artifacts, ecofacts (naturally organic or inorganic remains found in a site – think charcoal, seeds, minerals, or unmodified shell or bone), or areas of modified landscape that are associated with past human activity.

Burying a bunch of objects in a backyard does not automatically form an archaeological site. To clarify historic classification, the age of the deposits is taken into account when identifying sites. The magic number for archaeology and above-ground resources is 50 years, that’s when a simple trash dump site can become a “historic” trash dump.

Now that we have established the basics of defining an archaeological site in the most general terms, let us turn our attention to more specific criteria. In Georgia there is no legal definition of an archaeological site; however, the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists developed standards and guidelines that help define more precisely what is considered an archaeological site. In addition to the age requirement of 50 years or older, The Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists defines a site as:

  • Surface scatter that yields three or more artifacts from the same broad cultural period (i.e., historic (after written documentation introduced) or precontact (prior to 1492)) within a 30-meter radius;
  • Two or more shovel tests yielding at least one artifact each within 30m of each other;
    • Shovel tests are used by archaeologists to systematically test an area for archaeological materials below the ground’s surface.
  • A single shovel test that yields three or more artifacts from the same broad cultural period, as long as the artifacts cannot be fitted together (i.e., they are not fragments of the same artifact);
  • An area with visible or cultural features (e.g., shell midden, graves, rock shelters, petroglyphs, chimney fall, brick walls, stone piled features, piers, stills, prospect pits, military earthworks, etc.);
  • An abandoned cemetery or grave; or
  • A singular artifact if its significance can be justified as culturally meaningful (e.g., Paleo projectile point) and/or it is associated with specific surface or landscape features.

That seems like a lot, but standards like those listed above help archaeologists properly identify and record archaeological sites throughout Georgia. You may be wondering, what do archaeologists do once they identify an archaeological site in the field – well they record and report! Properly recording and reporting the location and type of site that has been identified is an important part of archaeology. In Georgia that information is recorded using an Official State Site Form, which is submitted to Georgia Archaeological Site File,  housed at the University of Georgia then the site can receive an Official State Site Number. For example, the Etowah Mounds State Historic Site has the site number 9BR1. Nine indicates the state of Georgia, BR indicates Bartow County, and one since it was the first site recorded in the county.

While anyone can submit an archaeological site form to get an official site number, it is typically the best practice to employ a professional archaeologist to identify and complete the form, as they are familiar with the ins and outs of archaeology. HPD maintains a self-nominated directory of consultants that may be able to assist in investigating potential archaeological sites on your property.

Archaeological sites and the artifacts documented from them are crucial for understanding the history of Georgia. During the Environmental Review process, our team works closely with projects when Section 106 review is triggered. If you would like to know more about our Environmental Review Archaeology program, please email

Additionally, our colleagues at the Office of the State Archaeologist handle archaeology in the state more broadly. Learn more about their work at

Now that you are familiar with what makes a site a site, you’re on your way to becoming a regular Archaeologist; however, it is always best to consult a professional archaeologist if you ever have questions about what you can and cannot do to archaeological sites. Please use your resources and follow all related laws and regulations before disturbing any archaeological site.

In 2020, Georgia HPD received a federal grant to rebuild and enhance Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographic Information System (GNAHRGIS). This project was completed this summer, and new tools are available for surveyors completing data entry in the Historic Resources module of GNAHRGIS. The consolidated rebuilt platform now allows users to download results of searches to Excel. Users can also query historic resources by survey attributes, as well as via the map. For example, a user can layer attributes to perform advanced searches, such as how many front gable bungalows in Lowndes County have been recorded in GNAHRGIS. Another new feature is that all of the properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places in Georgia have been added to the database, along with digitized nominations and maps. Currently, there are 127,384 historic resources in GNAHRGIS.

Along with these research tools, GNAHRGIS now includes two new tools aimed at facilitating data entry for surveyors – the windshield district polygon tool and integration of the mobile app, ESRI Field Maps.

Windshield District Polygon tool

The windshield district polygon tool allows surveyors to record the following attributes for a grouping of physically similar or related, geographically proximate resources: resource category, basic resource information, general characterization, approximate resource count, primary resource types, primary architectural styles, development time period, boundary types, acreage, boundary description, boundary justification, description, history, and field survey evaluation. Surveyors can also attach photographs and other documentation. These records can now have polygon data attached via ArcGIS Online. This tool allows surveyors to represent these resources as polygons in GNAHRGIS, instead of just points. HPD’s Historic Resources Survey Program offers specific guidance and training for using this tool. It can be used to record neighborhoods of similar resources, resources with large acreage, complexes, and resources with multiple buildings.

esri field maps app integration

As part of the GNARHGIS rebuild and update, HPD partnered with ITOS of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia Transmission Corporation, and the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) to integrate the NAPC’s CRSurveyor App to GNARHGIS. The app is designed to help communities survey cultural resources digitally. This solution allows a survey team from a community or organization to take phones or tablets into the field and accurately capture location and specific details about historic sites. The data is saved into a data structure that matches the National Park Service cultural resource standards and catalogs many historic resources survey attributes. This data can be collected offline and ‘synced’ when the surveyor obtains connectivity.

The solution uses the ESRI ArcGIS platform and was designed using Field Maps for ArcGIS. Field data is collected using the ESRI Field Maps Application on a mobile device. The data and maps are stored in the ESRI cloud-based ArcGIS Online platform. Surveyors will access ArcGIS Online through ITOS, so a surveyor does not need an independent ArcGIS license to use the tool.

Field Maps is available for communities to use in CLG surveys, locally funded surveys, and environmental review mitigation surveys if the survey area does not contain any resources that are already in GNAHRGIS; the app does not allow for resurvey of pre-existing resource points. HPD hopes that Field Maps is a useful tool in reducing the amount of time required for historic resources survey data entry, facilitating survey work statewide.


Ready to get started?

If a CLG or community is interested in using Field Maps or the windshield district polygon tool for a forthcoming project, please contact to ensure the project is a good fit for the tools. Both the app and the polygon tool should be used by professional consultants or volunteers with required additional training. Field Maps may be used in conjunction with traditional fieldwork and GNAHRGIS entry if clear boundaries are defined for the project for areas previously surveyed. CLGs and communities would be expected to work with HPD staff to clearly define the project in this way.

Additional information on windshield surveys and user guidance for the polygon tool and Field Maps is available on HPD’s website here.

HPD is looking forward to working with communities and surveyors statewide to experiment with these new tools in support of improved historic resources survey in Georgia!

Historic Preservation, Section 106 and Affordable Housing

By: Mary Ann Hawthorne, Environmental Review Historian


If you listen to, watch, or read the news today in almost any large metropolitan area in the United States, you will undoubtedly hear or see stories commenting on the decline in availability of and/or lack of affordable housing.  While affordable housing shortages and crises in large cities and metropolitan areas are often in the headlines, the issue reaches into the suburbs and rural areas, alike. As noted in a 2002 report, Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing: The Missed Connection by prominent preservation economist Donovan Rypkema, the crisis in affordable housing impacts renters, homeowners, and prospective homeowners, affecting a wide cross-section of Americans.

The Environmental Review team at the Historic Preservation Division (HPD) reviews projects every year that are associated with various types of affordable housing in communities statewide ranging from new construction to rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of historic buildings.  The Environmental Review team most often reviews these projects under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 due to federal agency involvement. Section 106, as it is commonly known, is the provision in NHPA that requires federal agencies to consider how the projects they undertake, permit, approve, license, or fund can affect historic properties, both above and below ground.   

Many communities leverage U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs to provide affordable housing opportunities. In 2022 and 2023, the Environmental Review team reviewed over 100 new construction projects utilizing various HUD programs in Bibb, Catoosa, Fulton, Glynn, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Laurens, Muscogee, Newton, Sumter, Tattnall, and Walton Counties, among others.  While constructing new single and multi-family housing is one way to increase affordable housing options, it is clear from studies and news reports that the demand for affordable housing outpaces the available supply of housing, not just here in Georgia, but nationwide. Additionally, the cost of new construction often causes increased pricing and moves the new construction out of the reach of those most in need.

If new construction is not the answer to the affordable housing crisis in Georgia, , what other viable tools are available to communities to meet these challenges? A common saying in the historic preservation community is that “the best historic building is one that is being used.” Preserving our historic neighborhoods is another tool that can be put to good use to address the need for more affordable housing

“Historic” as a classification requires a building or a neighborhood to be more than 50 years old, thus in 2023 buildings and neighborhoods built in 1973 or before are considered historic.  Many older neighborhoods already meet many of the needs of modern Georgians:  proximity to work, access to public transportation, schools, and a variety of shopping opportunities. The HPD sees many examples of older neighborhoods and housing stock being reused for modern needs. In 2022 and 2023, the Environmental Review team reviewed over 450 rehabilitation projects, many involving historic housing, utilizing a variety to HUD programs in Baldwin, Ben Hill, Bleckley, Camden, Chatham, Cherokee, Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Dougherty, Floyd, Fulton, Gordon, Gwinnett, Hall, Henry, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Lowndes, McDuffie, Muscogee, Richmond, Troup, Ware, and Whitfield Counties, among others. 

One notable example of a successful housing rehabilitation project is the rehabilitation of the Capitol View Apartments in Atlanta. The Capitol View Apartments were constructed in 1947 using funds from the Federal Housing Administration’s Veterans’ Emergency Housing program, and when opened, were home to veterans and their families. For decades, the complex served as affordable housing for low-income renters without a significant, property-wide rehabilitation since construction.  The property was purchased in 2018 and with construction financing secured in 2020, a major rehabilitation project leveraging HUD program funding along with state and national historic preservation tax credits and low income housing tax credits, began. By the summer of 2021, all ten of the historic apartment buildings had been rehabilitated and met the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.   The Capitol View Apartments are now open to renters and are located in a historic neighborhood where the coveted proximity to work, transportation options, and shopping can be enjoyed by the residents. The property was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2023.

New construction and rehabilitation of existing buildings, however, may not be the full answer to the affordable housing question. There are many tools a community can use to address this issue and historic preservation plays an important role in that strategy.  Mr. Rypkema, in his 2002 report, suggests that creating more local historic districts and giving priority to older and historic neighborhoods for infrastructure, educational, and recreational facility improvements can be options for local communities to explore.   While communities throughout Georgia continue to seek creative solutions to their housing crisis, the Environmental Review team at HPD supports communities utilizing federal agency programs to meet those challenges through the Section 106 review process.

This week we are excited to bring you updates from the future preservationists of Georgia! Graduate students in Historic Preservation and related fields have accomplished a lot this academic year and have contributed to interesting projects across the state and the country! Many are also participating in internships in the preservation field this summer. These students and recent graduates bring so much to the table with their experiences and perspectives. We look forward to seeing what they do in preservation in Georgia and the wider world in the years to come. Read more below about updates provided by four programs across Georgia.

Preservation academic programs in Georgia

Graduate-level preservation degree programs are offered at Georgia State University, Savannah College of Art and Design, and the University of Georgia. SCAD offers an undergraduate BFA in Preservation Design as well. Preservation-focused courses are offered at Kennesaw State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, Savannah Technical College, and the University of West Georgia.


Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Architecture melds the study of historic structures and sites with preservation technology and sustainability. Within Georgia Tech, the historic preservation initiatives led by Associate Professor Danielle Willkens were awarded seed grants related to documentation and sustainable tourism projects for the Penn Center on St. Helena Island, SC and Petra, Jordan. Federal grants are underway for the following projects:

  • “Archival Layers and Public Interpretation for Heritage BIM: Two Atlanta Case Studies” (NCPPT)
  • "Digitally Decoding Vernacular Construction: Sellman Tenant House” in Maryland (NCPPT and Smithsonian Institute)
  • Emergency stabilization of the English Avenue Elementary School in Atlanta (Atlanta Preservation Center, National Park Service African American Civil Rights Grant)

This fall, six students from programs across the College of Design participated in the poster session for the Georgia Statewide Historic Preservation Conference.

The interdisciplinary spring seminar, Race, Space, and Architecture in the United States, references the projects and methodologies of architects and architectural historians as well as ten other fields including ethnographers, sociologists, and technicians. The course covers topics across the U.S., yet the focus is decidedly on the American South, with a close lens on Atlanta. The course is affiliated with Georgia Tech’s Serve Learn Sustain initiative examines intersectionalities between race, ability, gender, and sexual orientation to further explore complexities in policy and practice within the built environment. Working collaboratively to honor erased histories, the course contributes to Atlanta’s documentary record for preservation advocacy and public outreach. This year, students have been working in team to document and visually interpret three sites in Atlanta (Power Plant at the Fulton Bag & Cotton Mill, English Avenue Elementary School, and Westview Cemetery) as well as a condition assessment and HABS set for the First Congregational Church in Marion, AL. 

Two PhD students focusing on HBIM and the use of aerial documentation for deficiency detection in historic structures, Junshan Liu and Botao Li, have been actively presenting and publishing their work, with an upcoming workshop in The Netherlands and conference papers at CIPA Florence. 


Sandra Hall, Madelyn Livingston, Michelle Bard, Hannah Brecker, Alicia Guzman, Ieshia Hall, Brendan Harris, Darlene Hawksley, Joachim Hillier, William Hodge, Paige Jennings, David Moore, Katherine Rambler, and Rachel Staley were awarded 3rd place in the HABS Peterson Prize contest which recognizes the best student architectural documentation drawings of historic buildings. Their set of drawings for the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, GA are now a permanent part of the HABS collection stored in the Library of Congress. They accepted their award at the Association for Preservation Technology (APT) conference held in Detroit.  

Amy Durrell, Rural Schools in Putnam County: 1938-1949, and Michelle Bard, Documenting the Burns Cottage, presented academic posters at the 2022 GA Statewide Historic Preservation Conference.  

Michelle Bard presented her poster featuring architectural drawings of the historic Burns Cottage at the 2023 National Council for Public History conference. Her Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) submission, HABS GA 2449, is now part of the permanent collection housed at the Library of Congress 

Lauren Reeves is working with the Historic Macon Foundation to develop recommendations for interpreting Oak Ridge Cemetery. Oak Ridge was designated as a burial ground in 1851 for the enslaved. 

Natasha Washington and Ricky Yates are surveying a historic Gullah cemetery on Daufuskie Island, SC. The project is supported with funding from the National Trust’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund 

Eric Menninger is working with Thomasville Landmarks to create a historic structure report of a historic shotgun house in Thomasville, GA 

*HPD note: Natasha Washington has also been interning with the Georgia African American Historic Preservation Network (GAAHPN) at the HPD! Additionally, the HPD welcomed Michelle Bard to the staff as an Environmental Review Historian in 2022. Paige Jennings has served as our fantastic CLG Coordinator since 2020.


The following is a list of the graduating students from the MFA, MA, and BFA Preservation Design programs. Congratulations Graduates!

  • Jennifer Howell, MFA in Preservation Design, Thesis: Trauma-Informed Design in Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings: Builds Community and Stability
  • Olivia Arfuso, MA in Preservation Design, Capstone: Tainted by Trauma. Investigating the Impacts of America’s Turbulent History with Mental Health and Determining How the “Difficult Heritage” Ideology Can Be Implemented to Preserve Asylum Architecture.
  • Savannah Kruzner, MA in Preservation Design, Capstone: Living Heritage at The Southern Pine Company. Explores how a community’s living heritage can be incorporated in the design of an adaptive reuse project. 
  • Melanie Schuster, MA in Preservation Design, Capstone: Protecting our Historic Resources:  An Exploration of Demolition by Neglect in State Parks. 
  • James Dillman, BFA in Preservation Design, Capstone: Malls and Rehabilitation 

Association for Preservation Technology International, Student Scholar, Emily Schripsema, Presentation: Looking to Our Recent Past to Inform Our Near Future: Applying Preservation Strategies to Late 20th Century Shopping Malls.

The following students will be participating in summer internships:

  • Savannah Mae Tuten - Historic Savannah Foundation
  • Nathan Barnett - Chautauqua Foundation 
  • Jackie Boling - Tybee Island Historic Preservation and Tybee Island Main Street
  • Zheng He - ForDoz Pharma Corporation 
  • Daniela Salume - Carolyn Coppola Preservation 


Students enrolled in the University of Georgia’s Master of Historic Preservation program will be entering internships this summer around the state and country, on sites ranging from Mount Rainier to Natchez and from the Channel Islands in California to Cumberland Island off the Georgia Coast. Current students are doing original research on a wide range of preservation topics, including vernacular skate board parks; parking garages; and little-studied architects in Macon and Pittsburgh.

Two examples of ongoing work by MHP students:

Megan McPherson presented a poster based on her thesis at the National Council on Public History annual meeting. Her thesis explored the history and current cultural landscape of Georgia’s first African American state park. 

Elizabeth Jones has led community engagement efforts surrounding the preservation of Zion Hill cemetery in Monroe, Ga. This formerly abandoned yet nationally significant cemetery is the burial site for the victims of the Moore’s Ford lynching. Under Jones’ guidance, ground penetrating radar has mapped the cemetery boundaries and likely burial locations of those interred. She has led community-wide cleanup efforts and the installation of new burial markers. Her work was recently featured in the award-winning documentary Unspoken

As part of their “State-of-the-State Historic Tax Credit” program, The National Trust for Historic Preservation has published a resource guide, webinar, and interactive tools that succinctly present program details for state historic tax credit programs across the country, along with tangible benefits the programs provide. By comparing program features nationwide, these new tools give policy makers, stakeholders, and advocates access to a breadth of options to develop and strengthen state historic tax credit incentives.

The Georgia HPD contributed program information and examples of successful tax incentive projects in the state, particularly examples of resource conservation and positive impacts on affordable housing supply. Legislation establishing the State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Properties was enacted in March 2002, with initial applications eligibility beginning in January 2004. Since then, Georgia has been a national leader in the use of tax incentives for the rehabilitation of historic properties, both residential and commercial.  

Watch the Webinar:

Check out the Resource Guide and Data Center:

For more information about the Tax Incentives for Rehabilitated Properties, please visit our website and check out our annual report !

Notice of Intent to Adopt revised Rules for the Georgia State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Historic Property Program, Historic Preservation Division, Department of Community Affairs.

Pursuant to the Requirements of the Georgia Administrative Procedures Act, as amended, attached are the revised Rules for the Historic Preservation Division's State Income Tax Credit for Rehabilitated Historic Property Program. Also attached are a Notice of Intent form and a Summary of the proposed program rule amendments.

Please note that a public hearing will be held virtually on July 26, 2022 at 11:30 AM. The link to this public hearing is below.

Please note the Department of Community Affairs intends to act on the proposed rules at its meeting at 10:30 AM on August 10, 2022 which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia.


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