Learn about the Housing Choice Voucher Program's latest update and alert.

  • Portability Voucher Update: Effective April 1, 2025, the Housing Choice Voucher Program will no longer absorb incoming portability vouchers. All new portability requests received on or after this date will be processed under the initial Public Housing Authority billing arrangements.
  • Request for Tenancy Approvals Alert: Processing time may experience a delay of 15-30 days. 


About the Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8, is part of Georgia's comprehensive housing program administered by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The program is funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The goals of the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) are to:

  • Provide improved living conditions for extremely low and low income individuals and families while maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level;
  • Affirmatively further fair housing for individuals and families;
  • Promote freedom of housing choice and integrate lower income and minority persons into mainstream society;
  • Provide decent, safe, and affordable housing for eligible participants; and
  • Provide an incentive to private property owners to rent to lower income persons by offering timely subsidy payments.

View our knowledgebase, a list of frequently asked questions, or use the portal to submit a request or send a message to our customer service team.

HCV Disclaimer

The Department of Community Affairs provides the subsidy payment directly to the landlord on behalf of the program participant. The amount of the subsidy is based primarily upon the participant's income. DCA administers the program in 149 of Georgia's 159 counties through regional offices located around the State. The remaining 10 counties that DCA does not have jurisdiction are served by those county’s housing authority.